Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Goose came back, the very next day...

You know that song The Cat Came Back the Very Next Day? Here's a link to a video done for it. I loved it as a kid.

Anyway, that ceramic goose I got in the New Year's White Elephant? I took it with my to the BBC ExCom holiday party and gave it away for that. After all the opening and stealing...I wound up getting it back! Well, there was NO way I was going to take it home with me. So I hid it in Cate and Josh's . That's where we had the party. Hee hee hee. She eventually found it and laughed her ass off.

Well, this morning a friend came to pick something up, I was standing on the doorstep talking to her and what do I see? What the hell is that????I look closer....
IT'S THE FREAKING CERAMIC GOOSE!!! Or duck. Whatever it is. Evidently Cate had come over when I was not here and hid it in the snowbank. It's been there for about 4 days. The snow finally melted enough that I saw it. Funny, funny, funny. :)


Heidi said...

Ahahahaha - I was hoping the snow would hurry and melt because I couldn't wait much longer knowing the secret!

Chandra said...

Pbthththhbtbthbthbthtbhtb!!!!!!! :P