Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Some pictures - not in order.

I'm still SOOOOO surprised at how long it takes to upload anything....so the below is the most you're going to get today. :) WE're back in Nepal after 3 days in TIbet. Have to say, not at all sad to leave Tibet. It's just a really really sad place. Nelap is great. We're here for a couple days, so hopefully I can come back and update with words. :)
The Himilayas from our plane into Lhasa.

Our tent at the desert camp at Pushkar Camel Fair Camel Fair Sunset on our camel ride

Icky catfish at a sacred site. They really grossed me out. Chandra at the Rat Temple. That rat approaching my toes nibbled on my toenail! :)


yogi said...

So the catfish grossed you out but you were fine with a rat nibbling your toe?!?! Glad you are having such a great trip... say hi to your parents from me!!

Chandra said...

Well...yea! :) I like rodents and the catfish were all slimy and squigly.... :P (although I do have to say, the nibbling of the toenail did kinda freak me out!)