Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chugging along

Well, I've done nothing exciting 'cause I've been sick. This cold has just tired me out! I did watch a great documentary called Double Dare, about two stunt women. It features Jeannie Epper, who was Wonder Woman's double and has been working as a stunt woman for over 50 years. She's currently in her late 60's and STILL working! The other woman they profile is Zoe Bell...who I think is just the bees knees! :) Yea, love her!

It's a very interesting movie. Talks a lot about the stunt/movie industry, what it takes to make it and what it takes to make it as a female in such a male dominated field. The Eppers are evidently the Flying Waldendas of movie stunts.

My book club just finished reading Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky. The book was....ok, pretty good but not AMAZING! However, the story around the life of Irene Nemirovsky is! In 1942 when she wrote Suite Francaise she was already a well-recognized and regarded author in France. She was a Russian Jew, so was arrested and taken to to Auschwitz where she soon died. Even though she had converted to Catholicism in 1939! Her husband fought to get her out, without realizing that she was already dead. In response to his requests they arrested him too, sent him to Auschwitz where he was executed immediately. :( So sad. but their two daughters survived and had with them the manuscript for Suite Francaise. It's a fascinating story.

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