Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I'm really enjoying the swimming class Heidi and I are taking at Juniper! It's a bit nippy after being in the water for an hour...but I'm learning a lot and am hopeful that I'm becoming a better swimmer. A lot of this stuff is more basic than I need...but some of what I'm missing are basic things. Even though they're not always taught in swim class, it's still basic stuff to a good stroke.

Wish it was in the indoor pool...it's COLD! :) Last night we were doing one arm high elbow freestyle. Hmm, is that what it was called? Anyway, on every stroke we were supposed to come up, say WHOOSH breathe in and then stroke again. It forced us to slooooow down and really feel what we were doing. It was fun...but I swallowed a lot of water on my first lap. Hadn't quite got the hang of it. Wonder what we'll do Wednesday? WHOOSH! :)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I agree, after three weeks I would like to think I've learned to make my stroke more efficient.