Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm going to try not to be depressed...

Sigh. I went to skating practice last night. My PT said no more then 10 laps, but try it out. It only took four to fire up my shins! DAMMIT!!!!!! I'm trying very hard to not be upset. My PT said that if it does hurt it may not mean anything. I'm only about 1/2 way through the treatments, so I still may be able to skate. I'm still so sad though. I want to skate so badly. I see the orthopedist on the 12th, so we'll see.....

But until then I guess it's just swimming, biking and walking. Which isn't too bad...but I WANNA SKATE!!! I'm taking swim lessons though. Second one is tonight. It's going to be fun. i want to learn that flippy turny thing.

And the Bend Bella Cyclists meeting is tomorrow night, 7:00 at PMS.

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