Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year! :)

I had a nice quiet New Years with some friends. New Years has always been my least favourite holiday, but the last couple have been pretty good. It's been a hectic holiday season, so I was happy to just go to a house party with a couple friends from work.

As usual, we did out annual tin pouring tradition. My friend Liisa introduced it to me when I moved here seven years ago. You melt some tin, pour it into a bucket of cold water and it makes a shape. You can then "tell your future" from looking at the shape etc. It's just fun. Here are a couple people melting some tin.
That water is c-c-c-c-cold! It had been sitting outside for a couple hours, so we had to break the ice that had formed. Here I am pulling my piece out. Mine always comes out long...lots of people's this year were much more compact. Colleen's looked like a wing! Evidently I don't pour mine quick enough, so that's why it turns out in the long shape.

Then before midnight we did a white elephant exchange. Ana's was fun. She got PMS Detergent, and Bitch and White Trash Detergent. Hee hee hee. It supposed to be bubble bath...but they really did smell more like real powdered laundry detergent. Ugh, I don't think Ana should use it.

And me, I got a gorgeous ceramic duck cookie jar. Whooeee! :) OMG it's just hideous.
I did have a good time though. Then I spent New Years Day putting together a dresser I bought and switching my bedroom to the bigger room I have. I got tired of the same room...I like change!!!!! :) I went through almost all of my storage boxes and ruthlessly weeded out the things I don't need. Right now I have...let's boxes of stuff for Goodwill and then there were four boxes of complete crap that I threw away.

A nice start to the new year, cleaning up and getting rid of debris that I don't need or want anymore. Out with the old, in with the new, right? :)

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