Thursday, January 17, 2008

Night snowshoe

Last night I went on a night snowshoe with the Bend Bellas. It was fun! :) And I was very happy with how my legs felt. I mean, I hurt...but it had nothing to do with the compartment syndrome or surgery. I'm just soooooo out of shape. That, and I wore the wrong socks and boots. My socks slipped down and bunched up against my leg right where they'd start rubbing. It was kinda ouchy, but I made it. And I feel great today and I managed to do it. HOORAY!!!!!

It was dark out there, but still light enough that you didn't have to use a headlamp. Anyway, Julie fell a bit back behind the others with me (I was having trouble going as fast as the others) and we were just using my light. Then all of a sudden this "THING" leaped screaming out of the bushes at us. OMG I almost had a heart attack! I think you could probably hear my scream a mile away. It was stupid Heidi! It made her laugh so hard I think she may have peed her pants. After I recovered I pushed her in the snowbank. This is kinda what she looked like...

It scared the living beep out of me! It scared me so much I almost cried. You know that feeling? Sigh. It doesn't help that I am kinda scared of the dark.

Anyway, it was fun. Speaking of snow, this is a picture taken of the area in front of the Sunriver library, where I work. This was a week and a half ago, so we have even more now. We can barely see out of the staff room windows! :)

1 comment:

Heidi said...
