Thursday, September 28, 2006

Coming home...

So I fly home today. I won´t be able to get back to Bend until late Saturday, since the buses only leave PDX once per day for bend. I fly out at 11:50 tonight, and arrive in Portland at about 9:30 pm tomorrow. I could stay here longer, if that was the plan. But as it is..I can´t wait to be home. Just three flights and many hours between me and that! :) The rest of the group left last night, so I´m bumming around Lima by myself today.

Went and saw the Nasca Lines yesterday. 7 hour drive from Lima to Nasca, did out flight over the lines early yesterday morning. It was fabulous! I don´t think the pics are going to turn out. You just can´t get the detail that your eye can see. But I can just scan the postcards I have and pretend they´re mine! :)
It´s funny, I hate flying, but those little planes don´t bother me in the least. We were banking so hard it felt like we were going to flip over! And I´m fine with that, but for flights on the big airliners I need valium. Sheesh.

Anyway, the Lines were amazing. Then we drove back to Lima. We stopped off at the Huacachina Oasis/Lake for lunch...and did a dune buggy ride! It was fabulous. The coast area of Peru is a complete desert. It´s amazing. Sand as far as the eye can see. Sand dunes 30-60 feet was completely different than what we´d seen before.

I´ve loaded some pics to my flickr site, but most will need to wait til I´m home.

Miss you all and see you soon. Can´t wait to give the kitties a hug and kiss!

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