Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fabulous Dame Deviant

Saturday I'd helped out at the roller derby championship bout. April's team wasn't playing, but she was skating for one of the other teams, Moulin Bruise, because they had some skaters out with injuries. And here she is in full dress!

Doesn't she look fabulous???? :) The best part is, she knit those leggings! I'm constantly amazed at her talent. And she skated as well as she looked. I can't wait to be out there.

But I'm not quite ready. So instead I worked the merchandise table with Kati, another fresh meat. We had our own fun. Sold a ton of stuff too! Jen walked right in front us as the picture was being taken. Hee hee. not sure I look sick...but I was! Oh yea, and I forgot my favourite travel mug there with my tea in it. Hopefully I can get it back. :(

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