Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Oscar Meyer Wienermobile!

Look! The Oscar Meyer Wienermobile was in Bend yesterday! :) April and I saw it when we were driving down Bond. It made us laugh. So we had to go around the block again to take this picture. Hee hee.

My class went well. I enjoy teaching, I always have. It's always a lot of work, but it's fun. It's funny...I am actually really shy (stop laughing, really, I am!) except when it comes to public speaking about something I know about. Half of my job is public speaking, which has also helped. But if I know what I'm talking about...I don't have any fear. So most people who know me, see only that. But truly...I am very shy! :)

I'm dogsitting for Lisa and Yvonne this weekend again. Hooray, more time with the puppies.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Nice! Cuz Oscar Meyer has a way of b-o-l-o-g-n-a