Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Loooong weekend!

Phew, that was a long, but good weekend! Today, 'cause I'm tired, dirty and stinky I'll just start with Friday. That and I don't have the pics yet from the rest of the weekend! :)

So Friday I hung out with a bunch of friends. Below is a pic of Terra and her dog Lilly. It's not Lilly's birthday...She just likes wearing a birthday hat. Makes her feel special. The story of Terra and Lilly is quite amazing:

Terra has wanted a dog for a while. Back in the fall Terra had a dream and when she woke up she painted it. The paintings are of a golden lab or retriever-type dog and one of Terra and the dog by a work desk. In the dream Terra was being "interviewed" and was asked why she started this business. She answered that she needed a place to work where she could bring her dog Lilly. Terra forgot about the dream and just put the paintings in a file cabinet.

Then in December her co-worker asks Terra if she still wants a dog, because her friend has a dog named Lilly that they just can't take care of anymore. Well, what clearer sign could Terra have that Lilly was meant for her!

This is not the first time Terra has had dreams that come true. So everyone there promptly told Terra what they'd like her to dream...and what NOT to dream! :) I'll have to ask her if I'm going to get mine....

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