Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Pimp My Bookcart!

I love my "Pimp My Bookcart" t-shirt my sister-in-law got me for Christmas! It's hilarious. And I think even non-librarians find it funny. It's by the Overdue Media guys, creators of Unshelved, a library-themed comic strip. They were the keynote speakers at our regional conference 2 years ago. They were great. This shirt started 'cause they did a sequence about a complaint about the magazine Slowrider, which resulted in a pimped out book cart. Read that week's strips and tell me that isn't funny!!!!

Well, they had such a good response from their readers they've started a Pimp My Bookcart contest. People are pimping them out and sending in pictures. I'll post a link when all the results are up. Can't wait to see them all!!! :) Anyway, I got this t-shirt for Christmas and wherever I wear it I get compliments. Hee hee. It's just sassy and fun. I'll tellin' ya, librarians rock! Other careers and occupations have comic strips and humour...and maybe I'm biased...but I think Unshelved is better than any of them.

I think this one might be my favourite. I don't know though, there are SOOOOO many good ones. I could post quite a few. You should see the staff room at the library,they're all over the kitchen cupboards.
But then there's this one:
And this one:Yea, not sure I can pick my favourite. I love them all.

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