Sunday, January 21, 2007

Takin' Monday off!

Indoor weekend! Sheesh. Been a busy couple days, Friday I spent quite a bit of time on the desk...about 5 hours in a row. One of my employees had to be with her son at the hospital, so I covered the desk 'til she could get back. Then I worked Sat for another of my employees who is on vacation. Then today I was at the HDC board "retreat."

I was accepted onto the HDC board, and am very excited about the possibilities for the organization this year. It's their 15th year in existence, so we hope to do a large donor drive and media campaign to get the work out there. The Human Dignity Coalition is very important to our community. They work for social justice for all people. Sexual orientation, race, different levels of ability and a variety of other things.

Here we are getting to know one another in pairs. Afterwards a couple of us shared our personal stories about why we got involved with HDC. It was really...good. It's great to hear why others got involved, and it's a great opportunity for each of us to really think about why we do what we do. This is in part in preparation for talking to donors. If you can put a personal face on issues, people understand better and are more willing to get involved or donate.

I've had a LOT of opportunity the last month or so for a lot of self reflection. It's not always easy ... but it's always good. I really thought about why I want to be involved with HDC. Obviously, sexual orientation and rights for LGBT was the initial reason I got involved. But racial justice and accessibility are also very important to me. After Kate's accident in 2002, I really saw how many places in Bend were NOT in compliance with ADA laws. It was amazing. There were a ton of places we could not go, because she was in a wheelchair and couldn't get in, or couldn't use the bathroom. Now, her situation was temporary...but it so easily could have been permanent. People should not have to live like that. And my friend Sylvia, she shouldn't be hated simply because of the color of her skin.

I got involved, because I never want anyone else to live with the fear and isolation I have. Nothing will ever change unless we stand up for what we believe in, and get involved. It's so easy for us to get wrapped up in our daily lives. It's really good to be reminded about the world beyond ourselves. Don't you feel better when you help? When you do something that might make a difference to the world? I bet you do.

So, I challenge you to find something to get involved with. If HDC sounds interesting to you, oh believe me, I can hook you up! :) Or, the COPY program I'm volunteering with is also a great cause. Or Nomad Charities or COBRA or Healing Reins or even the Humane Society. There are hundreds of worthy causes and organizations out there. Get involved. Live outside yourself. Not all the time, but sometimes. I'm not Mother Teresa, and will never be able to be quite THAT selfless. But we can each do our own part, right?

Oh, as for the title of this post...I plan on taking Monday off. I have one morning meeting... then I'm taking the rest of the day for myself. So selfish, right? :)

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