Sunday, August 13, 2006

Broken toes...

Not mine, thank god. So close to going to Peru I'm paranoid about being injured. Although, in some ways though, I wish it was my toes that were broken! I had a fabulous weekend of camping and hiking. Blackberries galore! Some of the Bellas and Bella Fellas camped this weekend in Oakridge. They went for an INSANE ride (see Heidi's blog for the scoop), and I'm almost glad I needed to hike instead of bike! :P Instead, Sheila, April and I went hiking up at Timpanogas Lake area, about 45 miles north-east of Oakridge. We found an amazing hike or bike-in campsite on Indigo Lake. I really think the Bellas should go there.

Anyway, I got home and Dread and Loki greeted me at the door as usual. Yes, the raccoons had been in again, but nowhere near as bad as last time. Then I noticed poor little Loki's left foot. It was swollen to about four times the size it should have been. I took her to the emergency animal hospital, and her foot was crushed. All four toes are broken, and with all four broken there is nothing in the foot to stabilize it. So, right now it's splinted and she's sedated, but she's going to need surgery.

Tomorrow I'll be taking her in first thing in the morning, hopefully. Not only does she need surgery, but it's also very likely that she could still loose the foot. In these cases the blood supply can be cut off to the foot, necessitating amputation. Which would really suck! Poor little Loki. She's not too happy. She's got this huge splint that she's dragging around, and of course, it hurts!

I have pictures of the camping trip (and of Loki with the splint), but those will have to wait until Tuesday when I can get down to Sunriver. Keep your fingers crossed for Loki.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Poor little kitty. Think healing thoughts.